Can I Still Lemon My Car If I Stopped Making My Lease Payments Because the Car Is Defective?

Can I Still Lemon My Car If I Stopped Making My Lease Payments Because the Car Is Defective
Many people want to own a new car, and will buy the car on a lease agreement to get the car of their dreams. When you do this, you are agreeing to buy a car and you pay on the car in a lease contract. This gives you the right to drive the car and you pay for the use of that car during the lease agreement contract.

If you are leasing a car that is defective, you may have a car that is considered a “lemon.” A lemon car is a vehicle that has a defect, and it will usually be covered under the California Lemon Laws.

What Do the California Lemon Law Cover on a Defective New Car?

The California Lemon Laws are legislation that covers a new car that is still under the original warranty of the manufacturer, but has exhibited a defective part on the car. These Lemon Laws apply to cars, trucks and motorcycles equally, and will apply to a new car that is also being leased by the buyer.

Lemon Laws are on the books, to protect a car buyer to not buy a damaged and defective car, right out of the gate. If your car is determined to be a “lemon,” you do have recourse with the manufacturer. The manufacturer needs to try to repair the car with three reasonable attempts in the timeframe of around a month, or that manufacturer of the defective car will need to buy it back and replace it with another non-defective vehicle of the same make and model.

Making Payments on a Car Lease Are Your Responsibility Regardless of Any Defect Found on the Car

If your vehicle has a defect and it is still under the manufacturer’s warranty, then you will be eligible for either repairs or replacement under the applicable Lemon Laws. But if you stop making payments under your lease, there could be other problems. You see, when you are making payments under your lease contract, you are agreeing that you will continue to pay for the car that you are driving around every day, according to the terms of your contract. If you then stop making payments, then you are going against the lease agreement.

Your contract with the leasing company for your car is that you will may payments towards the lease agreement, and they will let you drive the car. If you stop making the payments, you are acting outside of the leasing agreement. Whether there is a defect for the vehicle or not, you will run the risk of having the car repossessed if you stop making payments.
Can I Still Lemon My Car If I Stopped Making My Lease Payments Because the Car Is Defective lemon car lawyer attorney lawsuit sue
Leased Vehicles with Defects Need to Go to the Auto Repair Shop for Repairs

If your car has defects that make it unsafe to drive, you need to take it to an approved auto repair shop for repairs. Yes, it may be the case that you can’t drive the car until the needed and necessary repairs are completed. During that time according to the applicable Lemon Laws, the car must be repaired in a reasonable amount of time, usually within a month or so. If the car cannot be reasonably repaired, then the manufacturer may need to replace it with another vehicle. In the meantime, you need to keep making the appropriate payments for the vehicle, per your leasing contract. If you don’t make these payments, you will risk that the car will be taken from you in a repossession, for stopping the making of the contractual and required payments on the leasing contract.

Zero Fee Guarantee

Our law firm is able to offer to you a zero-fee guarantee when you call us regarding a claim to lemon your car. We are able to talk to you today, and you don’t have to pay us until the case and lawsuit are won by us. We have the skill and confidence in our legal team of lawyers, with a full level of experience in managing and winning cases related to California Lemon Laws.
Can I Still Lemon My Car If I Stopped Making My Lease Payments Because the Car Is Defective sue
Free Second Opinion Case Review / Experienced Lawyers in Still Making a Lemon Claim on Your Car That Is Defective

We have the skill, experience and top-notch legal team of attorneys who specialize in Lemon Laws, and we can share our expertise with you when you give us a call today. Our legal team works with Lemon Laws in California, and knows what to do to help you to recover the compensation that you need on your claim.

We have highly experienced and knowledgeable lawyers on our legal team, with a firm specialty in California Lemon Laws. We know how to help you with the next steps related to this type of claim for a vehicle under the Lemon Laws of the state. All that you need to do is to call the lawyers who can help with your Lemon Law claim for your car. Just call to talk to our experienced attorneys in Los Angeles today.

Can I Sue Regarding My Lemon Law Case?

Yes, we can sue regarding your lemon law case. When you give us a call today, we are able to work with you and give you access to our Los Angeles case lawyers today. We can file a lawsuit on your behalf, regarding your Lemon Law claim for a defective new car. Just call us to talk to our case attorneys in Los Angeles right now.

Call for a Free Consultation

You need to call us to discuss the information that will apply to your car, as it relates to the California Lemon Laws. We have attorneys on our legal team with the experience to win our cases for our clients, and advise you on the best next steps regarding your claim. We know what to do with Lemon Law cases, and are happy to give you a free consultation on your case when you give us a call today.

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