Civil penalties are what you may have to pay back to the manufacturer, in order to be eligible to close out your lemon car claim. That means that you may owe some money back for fees and usage of the vehicle, as you seek to get your own money back on a lemon law claim. It can be complicated to understand why you may owe these fees, and it may not seem fair. But it is how the law works, and we are here to help you to get the money back that you do deserve, when you have been served up frustration owning a lemon car from a Nissan car dealership.
About Us
You can call our law firm today, to talk about your penalties related to your lemon car claim. We are a multilingual law firm, and we speak: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Armenian, Farsi, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, French, German, and Korean. It is easy to call us, because we always speak your native language, and we want to help you right now with your lemon car case. Just call us today at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 right now. You will be quickly connected to a knowledgeable team of attorneys, who are ready to get you the money that you deserve on your lemon car case.
Auto Manufacturers Charge Fees Based on Many Factors Related to Your Driving Time Accrued in a Lemon Vehicle Claim
Let us review what you might owe back to Nissan for your having used the defective vehicle that you are driving. We know that you now want to get your money back from the auto manufacturer, because the car is worthless to you as a lemon vehicle. Unfortunately, there is no “free ride” in life, and that saying also will apply when you initiate a lawsuit on the merits of a claim for a defective lemon car. Depending on several factors you will get reimbursed for money you paid out, including:
- What you put on the vehicle as a down payment
- The monthly payments you pay towards owning the car outright
- Any vehicle financing fees and service contracts
- The amount of the remaining balance of your loan
But depending also on the miles you have already driven on the car, this will all be considered, when a final package for buyback or recovery compensation is going to be given to you on a lemon car claim. For example, if you leased your lemon vehicle, then your refund will include the money you already spent on paying for your vehicle, minus any of the fees associated with the lease contract.
Example of a Refund for a Lemon Vehicle
As an example, let us say you bought your Nissan car for $37,500, and you put down $5,000 on that car to buy it. Your monthly payments are $525, and you have made 6 payments at $3150. In this example, we will assume that you have driven around 10,000 miles when you realize that you have a defective lemon vehicle. For this example, using the fact stated above, your refund will be around $5025, minus a usage fee of $3125. All things being equal, if you had driven only 5,000 miles before finding out your car was a lemon and making the first repairs to fix the vehicle, then our estimated refund would be $6587 with an estimated use fee of around $1563.
Let us take it a step further for clarity. If you bought a Nissan for $37,500, paid $5,000 down on the car, made 1 payment of $525 for your car note, and drove only 5 miles on the vehicle before finding out that it was a lemon car, your refund would be significantly higher. Your total refund would be estimated at around $5523, with an estimated usage fee of only $1-$2 at that point.
Why Will You Owe a Bunch of Money in Penalties for Your Lemon Car?
It can come down to it that you do owe some cash back to the auto manufacturer, for the time that you spent riding around and using the vehicle. Even if your car is a straight up lemon car, you may still owe money back to the manufacturer in fees, which will take away from your overall award of a reimbursement for a lemon vehicle.
What is the moral of the story then, when it comes to the fees and civil penalties that you will have to pay for the lemon car that you own? Well, if you “catch” the fact that you own a lemon car early, you have a greater chance of getting more money back for your claim. If you keep riding around on your lemon vehicle, assuming it will fix itself, then you are going to pay dearly for the privilege of riding your lemon car for as long as you have had it.
“Help, I Need an Attorney Fast, Before I Rack Up More Penalties on Driving My Lemon Car, What Do I Do Now?”
You need to call our legal team immediately if you have a lemon car. Your final claim recovery compensation package will depend on you calling us in from the start, to help you with your lemon car case. The more time is wasted waiting to call our legal team, you will be racking up fees that you will have to pay back to the auto manufacturer – even though you own their lemon car, you will still have to pay!
There is a better way to get the full settlement that you deserve in a lemon car claim. All that you need to do is to call us at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 today, to get the process started on a full recovery package for your lemon car case.
If the Car Dealership Is Ignoring Me About My Lemon Car, Should I Just Give Up?
No, you do not need to feel that you have to give up on your lemon car claim, if the car dealership is ignoring you. You and the car dealership have a formal contract and agreement regarding your car. Your new car came from the car dealership, and they need to stand behind that car no matter how much time it will take their shop to fix the manufacturer’s defects. It is the responsibility of the car dealership to fix a lemon car, especially since the car dealership has an exclusive agreement with the auto manufacturer to sell those make and model cars to the public. You can call us at our law firm today, to get the information you need to follow up on your next steps. We understand what you are feeling, regarding your lemon car, which may include experiencing:
- Frustration
- Annoyance
- Triggering anxiety
- Anger
- Helplessness
- Misunderstandings
- Fruitlessness
- Feeling upset
- Depression
- Hostility
- Tiredness
We are here to help you to handle your lemon car claim with the car dealership. You don’t have to go it alone. Just give us a call today, and we will review your claim with you and help you get the recovery compensation you deserve in this lemon car case.
Common Defects of Nissan Titan, Frontier and Z 2022-2023 Lemon Vehicles
Nissan has had a problem with common defects on their Nissan Titan, Frontier and Z 2022-2023 lemon cars. The issue on these vehicles is that the parking brake can come disengaged, and the cars can rollaway from a parking space to cause a phantom accident. When the parking brake on a car is faulty, it will disengage and cause the car to rollaway from the parking spot. Imagine that you are in a car, park it properly, exit the vehicle and start off on your errand, or start walking to your workplace. If the car pops itself out of gear and starts rolling away on its own, it is a horrific set of circumstances that will allow this car to wreck-havoc on the community where the car is parked. A car that rolls away from a parked space is going to run over someone, cause serious injuries to pedestrians, hit other vehicles, and generally hurt or kill other people who get in the car’s path.
There is a high human cost to a car that is allowed to roll away on its own, and this can happen when the braking system has a defect that will prompt the vehicle to roll away on its own. A rolled away vehicle can become an unmanned killing machine – this can cause irreparable harm to people and property in the area where the car is parked. If you have a car with a defective parking brake, you need to take this defect seriously. If the car dealership is not cooperating with you to fix this manufacturer’s defect, then you need to initiate a lawsuit on the merits of your claim, because a roll away car is a very serious issue.
Recent Victories for Owners of Porsche Vehicles in a Class Action Settlement
In July 2020 the courts forced a class action settlement of $80 million on Porsche, to settle claims for the misinformed fuel economy scandal ratings. The settlement offers a settlement for owners of Porsche vehicles that produced higher than allowable emissions ratings, or had a worse fuel economy on the road than was claimed in advertising of the vehicles. During the scandal, Porsche and Volkswagen were adamant about denying the claims that they cheated the emissions testing, but they did offer to settle these claims in the end. The federal court did grant the settlement, even though the auto manufacturers settled before the lawsuit was final and fault was pinned on the auto manufacturers for the emissions scandal and its results.
Zero Fee Guarantee
Of course, you are always eligible for a zero-fee guarantee, when you call us today at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537. It is easy to pick up your mobile phone and call us this afternoon, to review your lemon car claim for free.
Contact Us / Free Case Evaluation
You can call us today at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 to start a lawsuit based on your lemon car claim. We will give you a free case evaluation when you give us a call right now to discuss your lemon car claim.