If the Car Dealership Can’t Find the Problem, and Can’t Fix the Issue, What Next?
If the car dealership can not find out why your new car’s check engine light keeps turning on, then it may seem like dire straits. But you can take heart, because we are here to help you. Sometimes there is no way to fix a defective vehicle, where there are major safety issues related to the car’s engine. If the check engine light keeps turning on, then there may be something seriously wrong with the engine that can cause a fire, explosion or accident while you are driving the car.
There are several reasons why the check engine light is coming on, which can be a serious safety issue for your vehicle. The check engine light sensor may be broken, or there may be issues with a related defective component on the car’s:
- Gas cap and closure
- Engine problem
- Catalytic converter
- Faulty spark plugs
- Faulty spark plug wires
- Malfunctioning ignition coils
- Malfunctioning oxygen sensor
- Defective mass airflow sensor
Even if you are a master mechanic yourself, which we don’t expect you to be, you may not know the real reason why the check engine light keeps coming on in your lemon car. For that reason, it is best to talk to the car dealership repair shop, and let them know that they have to get serious and find out why this light keeps coming on in your car. If the car dealership is giving you a hard time about getting your car in, you can call us at the Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537 today.
Can I Lemon My Ford Edge Under California Lemon Laws, What Are My Rights?
Yes, you have a right to drive a new paid for or leased car, that is free from a serious defect affecting the engine. The California Lemon Laws apply to a purchased or leased automobile, where you have bought a new car and found out that it was a lemon vehicle. In those situations, you are entitled under the lemon laws to get your car fixed for free, at the car dealership where it was purchased or leased. If the car dealership gives you a hard time, you can call us, because the car dealership is still “on the hook” to help you to resolve your lemon car issues. You can think of the situation this way, you would never have gone into the car dealership and asked for a lemon defective car that had a serious problem with the engine, and asked to buy that car for your very own. Most people who buy or lease a new car expect it to be perfect, or as near to perfect as the car can be. In general, the buying of a new car is one of the most sought after purchases of most people today in our country. Everyone looks forward to the purchase of their first new car. But to find out that your new car has major serious defects and that the vehicle may be unsafe to drive, has to be a let-down for most people in this situation. The car dealerships in some cases are not sensitive to how the consumers feel, when the new car owners are presented with the fact that their brand new car is defective. If you have had a difficult time at the car dealership and it will not repair your lemon car in a reasonable amount of time, it may be that you need to bring an action against them to ensure that you get reimbursed for your expenses, damages and losses in relation to owning a lemon car. The California Lemon Laws are there and in place to protect consumers, who are sold products that are sub-par, and to help them to recover the compensation the consumers deserve to get back as restitution in these cases.
Can I Get My Money Back and Return My Purchased or Leased Car for Being a Lemon?
Yes, you can get your money back and return your purchased or leased car, if it is determined to be a lemon. If your car has a perpetually turned on “check engine light,” then you more than likely have a lemon car. Check engine lights are a serious warning in any vehicle. It can mean that the vehicle will shut off at highway speeds, create enough heat in the engine compartment to explode or start a car fire, or create a situation in the vehicle that can cause a serious or fatal accident for the driver and any passengers in the vehicle being driven. If this situation applies to you, just call us to review your case for free at the Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537.
Even a Ford Edge Can Get the Ford Shakes Defect on the Vehicle
Your Ford Edge may experience the Ford Shakes from time to time. Even if have a car shakes at highway speeds or when driving around one time, it can be indicative of a Ford lemon car issue. The issue of a Ford shaking can be because of a number of reasons, including:
- Worn ball bearings
- Worn shock absorbers
- Engine defects
- Worn tires
- Uneven balance on the tires
- Transmission problems and defects
If your Ford Edge experiences a check engine light problem or a Ford Shake problem, you need to call us immediately at the Guardian Lemon Law Group today. We can help you to get the recovery compensation that you deserve, when your new car is a lemon vehicle.
About Us
Our legal team is here and on the case, when you have a lemon car as your newly purchased or leased vehicle. If you have bought a lemon car from a car dealership, you can call us today to discuss your lemon car claim for free.
Auto Manufacturers Producing Lemon Cars This Year Will Get a Rude Awakening
Car manufacturers who are still producing lemon cars, will get a rude awakening in the coming months. Many consumers are tired of getting stuck with a lemon new car, when they go into the car dealership to purchase or lease a new vehicle. Some people can make an argument that the car dealerships did not know that the cars being sold were lemon cars, but is that a plausible excuse? When the new cars come to the car dealership off of the car transporters from the auto manufacturers, it is the duty of the car dealership shop to review those cars and ensure they are fit for driving. In other words, the cars need to be checked from top to bottom, to be sure that they are safe and drivable for the people who will be taking these cars home. If the car dealership is “dropping the ball” at any stage of this process, then the responsibility for the lemon cars being found out before sale is still squarely on the shoulders of the car dealership. At some point, consumers will stop buying lemon cars from auto manufacturers, and the goodwill from the public will be broken for the last time.
There Can Be Multiple Common Defects Found on Lemon Cars and Trucks
If you have a car or a truck you may have found other defects on your lemon vehicle. These defects are quite diverse, and can include issues with:
- Creaking noises when turning corners
- High emissions from exhaust
- Leaks into engine causing fires
- Burnt rubber smell when engine running
- Fuel leakage in the engine
- Differential pressure monitoring
- Lock assemblies not working and locking occupants into car
- Window lift malfunctioning and won’t go up all the way
- Electrical windows stick up and down
- Instrument panels cloudy and unreadable when driving
- Crankshaft defects when engaged
- Gearbox housing malfunctioning with stuck gears
- Hissing sound of tires when normally driving
- Headlights defective and cloudy when it rains
- Frame holes in body frame that twists frame
- Crumpling inside the trunk unsafe in an accident
You can call us when you have an issue with several different defects on your lemon car. We are here to review your case with you for free. All that you need to do is to give us a call, and we will review your claim with you. We can answer any questions that you might have on your lemon car case.
Attorney Provisions
We can tell you now that we do not require any money up-front. We can talk to you about your claim, and help you to get the money that you deserve in this case. Once you call us, we can review your case and give you the best legal advice on your lemon car claim.
Model Years Affected for the Ford Edge with Check Engine Light Problems
The model years affected for the Ford Edge can be years 2015 to 2023. If you have this issue on your Ford Edge, you can call us at the Guardian Lemon Law Group, to talk to an attorney about reviewing your lemon car claim for free.
How Long Do I Have to File My Lemon Car Claim?
The statute of limitations for a lemon car claim is 4 years, depending on the facts of your lemon car case.
What Are the Lemon Car Settlement Values?
The lemon car settlement values will depend on the added damages and losses associated with your lemon car claim. If you have any questions, you can call us and speak to our legal team. We will be glad to go over the particulars of your lemon car claim with you at that time.
How Long Will It Take to Settle My Lemon Car Claim?
Your lemon car claim may take around 3-5 months to settle the case. Your added expenses, damages and losses will be reviewed in connection with your lemon car case.
Is My Leased Car Eligible for a Lemon Car Claim?
Yes, your leased car is eligible for a lemon car claim. All that you need to do is to call us, and we will review your lemon car case with you for free.
Zero Fee Guarantee
We can give you a zero-fee guarantee, when you call us at the Guardian Lemon Law Group. We are here for you, and never charge you any up front fees, before we will start to work with you on your lemon car claim.
Contact Us / Free Case Evaluation
You’ll know that it is the right time, when you have been driving around with your lemon car and the check engine light is still on, never to get fixed. It seems “unfair” and is unfair, that your brand new car is a lemon vehicle with a check engine light that keeps turning on when you are driving around town. How will you know if it is a sensor defect issue, or whether your car engine is about to catch on fire for real? Well, if you are tired of playing around with the car dealership and the auto manufacturer on your lemon car claim, you can call us to initiate a lawsuit based on your lemon car case. You can call us to get access to talk to a lawyer with experience in winning lemon car claims. Just call us today at Guardian Lemon Law Group at 888.341.8537.